Summary: | The purposes of this study were to (1) analyze the factors of asset
management effecting fixed asset management (land and buildings) in Bireuen
Regency Government, (2) analyze the factor that most effect the fixed asset
management d assets in Bireuen Regency, (3) examine whether there were
differences in perception among the assets managers, the legislative, and the
community towards the implementation of the asset management of land and
buildings owned by the Local Government of Bireuen Regency.
The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The method used in this
study was binary logistic regression. Testing the accuracy of the regression
models was used to assess the accuracy of the model, and in this study it were
measured by Chi-Square value with Hosmer and Lemeshow test.
The results of the binary logistic regression analysis showed that the
independent variables consisting of needs planning, inventory, legal audit,
assessment, utilization optimizing, supervision and control variables
simultaneously gave significant effect on the implementation of the fixed assets
management (land and buildings) in Bireuen Regency.
The expectations test B showed that the coefficients of each independent
variable were as follows