Summary: | This paper examines the relationship of investor�s trading behavior using data detailed
transaction history-corporate edition demand and order history in Indonesia Stock Exchange
during period of August, September and October 2005. Peculiarly, behavior placing of investor
order at trading volume.
The result of this paper indicates that the pattern of trading volume is a U share. The
pattern indicates / means that investors have strong desires to places order at the opening and
compared to in a between trading periods. While the largest orders are of market at the opening
indicates that investor is more conservatively when opening, where many orders when opening
has not happened transaction to match. In order placement both investor share similar strategy,
that is, place large conservative orders at the opening if the market . By definition, informed
investors orders or which is to place larger than uninformed investors. If comparison of order
examined hence both investors behavior relatively changes over time. But, statistically shows
there is not ratio significant. This imply behavior trading of informed investors and uninformed
investors stable relative over time.
The result from regression analysis indicates that informed investors correlates to trading
volume in all time intervals, but not all investors correlates uninformed in every time interval.
This implies that investor order informed is more can explain trading volume pattern compared
to uninformed investor order in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Finally, a the result of regression also
show that order status match has greater role in determinied trading volume pattern intraday
especially informed match compared to with uninformed match. While amend, open and
withdraw con not / do not to determine intraday trading volume pattern.