Summary: | Notary is a public office but the scope of their employment belong to private
law construction. In carrying out public official job to issue authentic documents, he
or she is under the supervision of the Supervisory Council Commission consisting of
the Local Supervisory Council, the Regional Supervisory Council, and the Central
Supervisory Council to maintain the Notary Office and the Notary Code of Conduct
can be well implemented and the notary is able to perform the duties, comply with
legal regulations to ensure the legal certainty for the parties making contracts. The
supervision on the notary is very reasonable since the notary is the official providing
public services and explanations on the effective legislation.
Based on aforementioned point, problem investigated in this research
involved: the supervisory function of the notary supervisory council on the abuse of
notary position in Banjarmasin Municipality.
The juridical empirical method was used in this research, particularly
analytical descriptive research. Based on the research results, it is concluded that the
Notary Supervisory Board serves as the party to perform supervision that is not only
to keep the compliance with the code of ethics, but it is also for broader objective,
namely, to keep the notary always complying with legal requirements to secure
public interest served