Summary: | Hospital�s Pharmaceutical Department has a very important role in the
management and service aspects. These aspects are related one another in the
hospital�s comprehensive service system. It is necessary to specify a goal and
well-planed steps in order to implement an efficient and effective pharmaceutical
service care standard through Pharmaceutical Department. Thus, this study was
done in order to analyze the recent internal and external environment of
Pharmaceutical Department of �Aisyiyah Maternal Perinatal Hospital (Instalasi
Farmasi Rumah Sakit Ibu Anak �Aisyiyah or IFRSIA �Aisyiyah) followed by
formulating strategies to improve IFRSIA �Aisyiyah.
A descriptive study was done. The data were collected qualitatively
through interviewing subjects, and also quantitatively using questionnaire to
inquire patient�s satisfaction, working spirit scale condition, and IFRSA
�Aisyiyah�s worker�s satisfaction as supporting data. The internal and external
environments were analyzed based on collected data, followed by Strength,
Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. The result was used as a
base to formulate strategies to improve IFRSIA �Aisyiyah through Quantitative
Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) test to order priorities of the chosen strategies.
The result of internal and external environments analysis was showing a
position in the first quadrant of the analytical diagram of SWOT. It shows us that
IFRSIA �Aisyiyah was in an Aggressive position, a position where IFRSIA
�Aisyiyah had the strengths and chances to overcome the weaknesses and threats.
SWOT analysis produced some formulation strategies to improve IFRSIA
�Aisyiyah. Four main strategies were chosen to be tested on QSPM as supporting
tool to order priorities of the improvement strategies which was going to be
implemented by IFRSIA �Aisyiyah. The result of the QSPM test suggests us that
the improvement of IFRSIA �Aisyiyah can be started from the strategy to improve
service supporting facilities, followed by human resource skill improvement to
support information management system and simplify the worker�s duties, and
then Islamic culture internalization toward the organization and its
implementation on pharmaceutical care service, then adding more pharmacist
according to their schedule.