Summary: | Regional Spatial Plan Detail (RDTRK ) South Coast of Kulon Progo Regency has
been split several significant land use, such as a special area for the military, agriculture
(agricultural wetlands and agricultural land is limited beach), fishing (ocean fisheries and
coastal fisheries), tourism, industry, transportation (the plan construction of ports and
airports) and settlements. In addition, Local Government Regulation No.2 of 2010 about
Spatial Planning (RTRW) also set the iron sand mining. The number of sectors and
stakeholders concerned in the management of coastal areas (coastal village) in the
absence of integrity in it actually possible conflicts of interest.
In the formulation of coastal village development prioritization in Kulon Progo
Regency and to minimize conflicts of interest, the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) is
the most appropriate tool, because in the AHP to consider all aspects and criteria based
on the views of stakeholders (society, government, private sector and NGOs). The
purpose of this study was (1) To analyze existing conditions and development plans
coastal villages in Kulon Progo Regency (2) To determine the views of stakeholders on
the priority direction of development most appropriate for development in coastal villages
(3) To preparing guidance coastal village development.
The research method used was descriptive-analytic, with quantitative data
analysis based on primary and secondary data. The selection of respondents to the AHP
was done by purposive sampling or selection with consideration of the respondent
intentionally is an actor or land users (stakeholders) is comprised of government, private
sector, NGOs and society with the number of respondents for each stakeholder is 10
respondents. AHP questionnaire results were analyzed with the help of software Expert
Choiche 2000.
The results of this research study is (1) Every coastal village has the
characteristics, potential and problems of different regions, based on the existing
potential, the development of agriculture is the main priority (2) Based on the AHP
according to the combined perceptions of stakeholders was found that the economic
aspects of the main priorities developed in order to realize sustainable development of
coastal villages. From these results finally obtained results regarding the coastal village
development priority order with priority first to the last in a sequence as follows: the
development of agricultural areas, tourism, fishery, animal husbandry, transportation,
housing, mining and industry, the military. The main priority a coastal village cluster is to
develop coastal land farming areas in cluster 1, cluster 2 to the development of marine
fishery areas and cluster 3 for agricultural development of wetlands. (3) The concept of
management of coastal villages is to focus on the characteristics of the coastal area itself,
which is a combination of adaptive development, integrating environmental, economic
and social systems.