Summary: | The prevalence of Hypertension increased in line with changes of life style
as smoking, obesity, non physical activity, psycho-social stress in many countries.
Comprehensive and intensive treatment could be more control of blood pressure.
Understood, knowledge and adherence of patient expected will improve along
with act of distributed useful and correct information by pharmacist.
The aim this study to determine the effect of counseling pharmacist on
therapeutic outcomes and adherence and to know the correlation between
therapeutic outcomes and adherence of outpatients hypertensive in the internal
disease clinic at RSUD Kraton Pekalongan District
This research was experimental intervention with pre-post intervention
with randomized without matching. Data was collected by prospective method.
The control group given a leaflet at the first month, and the intervention group
given a leaflet at the first month and counseling every early month, during 3
There was 75 patients, the intervention group (N=39) experienced a
significant decrease in blood pressure at the end of the study, on systolic
amounted 11.28±8.33 mmHg [P=0.000(P<0.05)] and diastolic amounted
7.18±6.86 mmHg [P=0.000(P<0.05)], whereas in the control group (N=36) did
not experience a significant decrease in blood pressure is systolic amounted
2.22±10.45 mmHg [P=0.203(P>0.05)] and diastolic amounted 0.28±6.09 mmHg
[P=0.782(P>0.05)]. Adherence of patients as measured by MMAS scale in the
intervention group better adherence than the control group (33.33% : 2.78%).
There was have correlation a means between MMAS score with change of
systolic (P=0.019