Summary: | This research concern on Analysis of Budget�s Measurements Surplus
(SiLPA). The objective of this research is to know some factors cause budget�s
measurements surplus (SiLPA) in North Mollucas Province in 2009.
The data used in the research are primary and secondary data. Primary data
obtained by spreading questionnaires to respondents who are related directly to
the financial management, while the secondary data obtained from financial
bureau. Variables used in this research are controlling, policy actor, financial
management policy, local executive policy, and local legislator�s capacity, which
are measured by using Likert Scale represented in 17 questions.
It can be conclude from the research results that local legislator�s capacity
is the most significant factor with mean value 4,109 and modus value 4, means
that respondents aggree that local legislator�s capacity affects the SiLPA. Whereas
local executive policy is the fifth factor with mean value 2,218 and modus value 2,
means that respondents do not aggree that local executive policy affects the
existing of SiLPA.