Summary: | Background: The emergence of smoking behavior in adolescents is affected not only
by family condition but also by environmental factors, such as physical, biological and
socio-cultural factors which in turn influence the degree of health either directly or
indirectly. Smoking habits of family members and influence of peer friends may affect
adolescents to behave the same.
Objective: This study was aimed to obtain an overview of smoking behavior and the
correlation between student�s perceptions (vulnerability, threat, benefits and barriers)
and smoking behavior in the integrated campus of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)
Health Polytechnic.
Method: This was an analytical-observational study with a cross-sectional study design.
This study was to identify perceptions on smoking behavior among students by using
structured questionnaires. The sample size was the total population as many as 226
respondents. The data analysis comprised bivariable analysis using chi-square test, ttest
and Anova and multivariable analysis using multiple logistic regresion, with
significance level p <0.05.
Result: Smoking behavior among NAD Health Polytechnic students presented
proportion that 65.49% of the male students were smokers (48% regular smokers and
18% experimental smokers). There was a correlation between perceptions on
vulnerability and threats against smoking and smoking behavior. There was no
significant correlation between perception on barriers and benefits of not smoking and
smoking behavior. There was a significant correlation between perceptions of
vulnerability and threat and smoking behavior. Prevalence of smoking among college
students was greater in students who had negative perception (vulnerability) 2.8 times
than those with positive perception. Prevalence of smoking in students with negative
perception (threat) was five times greater than those with positive perception. The
multivariable analysis selected was Model 1, with the variables of vulnerability and
threat having a significant correlation.
Conclusion: Students with negative perceptions on vulnerability and threat can cause
them to become smokers