Summary: | This study concerning the enforcement of capital markets in the manipulation of shares
on the stock exchange (stock transaction TMPI case study on the stock exchange jakarta in
2007), using a normative juridical approach made through the research literature with the study
of documents on primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. It also conducted field research
to obtain materials in order to support the data obtained in the research literature. This study aims
to determine and find answers to problems concerning the enforcement of capital markets and
responsibilities of stakeholders TMPI case of manipulation of stock transactions on the stock
exchange jakarta and prevention efforts, as contained in Act No. 8 of 1995 on capital markets and
its regulations.
Based on data analysis libraries and research results illustrate that the stock price of PT
AGIS Tbk (TMPI) that is not fair in that period (mid 2007) can have a major impact on capital
markets industry in particular and the Indonesian economy in general. Given the manipulation of
share transactions in the stock market has a big influence on the stability and public confidence
and is expected to be liable to punishment equal to the parties involved. The management of PT
AGIS Tbk provides information that is untrue and misleading, a member of the stock involved in
the engineering stock price on the stock exchange jakarta TMPI in cooperation with the HL and
LH as investors who arrange such transactions which indicated the existence of acts of fraud,
manipulation and artificial transactions, affecting the another to buy, sell or hold shares and make
or give untrue statement (Article 90, 91, 92 and 93 of Capital Market Law). The parties involved
are responsible in this case because of the acts and actions are breaking the rules and legislation
in force in the field of capital markets. Bapepam has imposed administrative sanctions, whether
revocation of licenses and fines to the parties involved.
Manipulation of stock transactions TMPI could have broad impact for the trust and
law enforcement in the Indonesian capital market, so we need a comprehensive anticipation
for similar violations do not recur. for that effort needs to be done is to increase market
oversight function to trade securities, issuers, stock exchange member and investor activity.
Bapepam firmness in conducting the examination, inquiry and investigation as well as the
existence of its own regulation regarding the transaction and its manipulation of the case
handling guidelines and comprehensive information of proof imposed on Indonesian capital
market is an important element, but is also equally important is the consistency of