Summary: | In a society there is a sacred value of life and become as the guidance for
the community because its has a value which believed to make their lives welfare
and passed on to the next generation. The mutual aid is the one value owned by
Indonesian society which begins with the approach of helping each other in the
life of an agrarian society to complete a few activities that require much energy as
when the rice harvest, build houses and environmental cleanup.
The development that occurred with progress of information technology,
communications and transportation significantly change the mindset, attitude and
behavior of the culture of mutual aid society is also experiencing a shift in their
implementation. The labor or services that have not traditionally rewarded with
value of money has changed. The services has the price or value. At the same time
in the agrarian era does not produced value to make money for the services, the
society uses the service as a means of helping with the approach of kinship. At
harvest time the farmers together and help each other involved in the rotation
performed at other times require.
The communities in Cisaranten Endah Village Kab Bandung District
Arcamanik majority at a poor condition. The job which occupied mostly has no
special expertise, such as the scavengers and the laborers. The level of education
and public health in majority relatively at low leve. On the other hand there is a
small amounts of the society who has well-established economic. Some
I industrialistss are still have to face the increasing of free and complex
The activities of mutual aid is implemented in the form of mutual aid to
clean the public facilities and the problems that related to the humanitarian
approaches such as disaster and distress that caused by the death. The mutual aid
characteristic has a religious approach which implemented in the form of cleaning
of places of worship. In carry on the mutual help is not only to do with physical
donations but also to the people who has much money and can not be able to
attend will provide the assistance in the form of money or food.
The shift of mindset that drastically changes the behavior of public attitude
towards the mutual aid culture and in terms of inheritance is necessary to study in
order to obtain a mutual aid solution on how to handed down the culture from
generation to generation in the era of technology. It is neded that could be used to
the decision makers to react to the shift of mindset in order to make the heritage
prosess can be done at the existing opportunities. The scientifically approach is
expected to be used as a development in terms of cultural understanding of mutual
aid in the middle the heterogin societies.
This research method is conducted by direct interview on the poor
community leaders and the officials of village government as well as some
businessmen, educated workers, medical personnels who actively working in the
village of Cisaranten Endah to obtain the accurate data in addition to collect data
from the formal reports of who carried out by government agencies.
The culture of mutual aid is used to develop flourishly but suddenly
become setback because of the change of situation and condition inevitably due to
the shift on the agrarian era to the era of industrialization and today changes to the
era of technology. The change in mindset, attitude and behavior of cultural
influences on the growth of mutual cooperation. In spite of that the culture of
mutual aid still can be able to develop in Indonesia because the typical of the
eastern societies who has more priority in the collective kinship, mutual aid and
cooperation for the benefit of the people. The Involvement of all people in
understanding the culture of mutual aid and the implementation among the
community at an early time is expected to continue to maintain the growth of
mutual help culture. The humanitarian approach on the common interest is still a
chance to pass to the successor generation. To increase the education quality and
the public health is a breakthrough in order to influence the results of the
implementation of mutual aid which significantly affected the condition of
The mutual aid culture has an opportunity to continue to thrive at the
village of Cisaranten Endah to approach the implementation of humanitarian
activities and common interests. The involvement of all people become more
important to make on the socialization and the understanding improvement of the
mutual aid culture among the community as well as prioritized in its
implementation in terms of education and public health improvement at the
village of Cisaranten Endang.