Summary: | The research is designed to obtain an understanding about the Family Welfare
Education�s role through education in order to increase the empowerment of RW. 15
& 16 at Mekarjaya urban village, Sukmajaya Subdistrict, city of Depok.
The purpose of the research is to know the objective condition of communnity at
Mekarjaya urban village, to see the influence factors of community empowerment on
education through the Family Welfare Education�s activity, to analyse the community
empowerment on education field through the Family Welfare Education toward the
regional resilience on coping with the root of the existing the poor family.
The research is conducted on qualitative frame work to make description and
interpretation concerning to a fact on social science context. The method which is
used on this reasearch through an intense interview by choosing four key informans
who are considered eligible. In case of completing the intense interview the
researcher takes sample from ten people. Other sample is taken from twenty five
percent of a total forty families whose received the assisstance from the Family
Welfare Education�s working group at both research area as well as library research
in order to enrich the assessment�s result. The qualitative study usage which record
all facts gives a thorough and complete description of this research.
The research result shows that: the cause of the existing of poor families at both
reasearch area such as RW. 15 & 16 at Mekarjaya urban village, Sukmajaya
Subdistrict, city of Depok because of the modest quality of human resource at RW.
15 & 16. The government policy of Depok city on education field is not realized yet
and reaching the poor families. The accessibility of educational facilities is still
inadequate, the are many poor families with low income. The Family Welfare
Education�s strategy to increase the people empowerment on education, to give
direction and suvervision. The people empowerment activities influence the reginal
resilience and the socio-cultural resilience is manifested with the economy resilience
in developing the people welfare through education with the ability to succeed the
people integration. It is neccessary to issue some firm and obvious regulations about
the free financing of education begins the elementary school to high school. The
people empowerment activities through The Family Welfare Education�s working
group I in order to increase the people competency needs to become a public policy.