Summary: | The SDKI result, 2007 show that as much as 9.1 percent of married status
women is unmet need, and 2 of every 10 births that occurred in five years before
survey conducted is an unplanned birth. Family planning is one of fundamental
pillars of mother safety (to reduce the maternal deaths by reducing the number of
pregnancies, number of abortions, and the births proportion at high risk) and to
fulfill their reproductive rights.
This research is to find out the relationship and influence of demographic
factors (maternal age, number of living children), socioeconomic (mother's
education level, working status of mother, residence area, welfare level,
experience in using contraception, communication with husbands about family
planning, the husbands consent to family planning) and cultural (knowledge of
contraception) are considered as predictors that may influence the occurrence of
unmet need. This step is important in improving the family planning services and
promoting the contraception acceptance. The research method uses an inferential
analysis conducted to determine the relationship between two variables. This
research is quantitative with survey method using the Cross Sectional Study
Approach and Indonesian Health and Demographic Survey Data (IDHS) in 2007.
The statistical test used is the Spearman Correlation Test (bivariate) and Binary
Logistic Regression (multivariate). Probability and trends is seen from the Odds
Ratio (OR), CI 95% and (p <0.05).
The results shows that there is significant influence between maternal age,
number of living children, working status of mothers, welfare level, residence
area, communication with husbands about family planning, husband consent in
using contraception and knowledge on the occurrence of unmet needs in
Indonesia. The tendency of unmet need is greater at women who are over 20 years
old, the number of children more than two, mothers who do not work, lower
welfare levels, never communicate with husbands about family planning, the
husband does not agree to use contraception and the lower knowledge of mothers
on contraception.
By fulfilling the necessary of family planning programs can be considered
as a way to ensure the women's rights and minimize the number of maternal
deaths due to abortion of an unwanted pregnancy. Women have the right to
choose the desired number of children, time of pregnancy, and take part in
decision making at home. The need for women empowerment in order can equal
the status with men. And man participation in family planning by promoting male
responsibility in reproductive health.