Summary: | Intimate partner violence against women is present almost in all levels of
society and can cause various injuries both physical and psychological. There are
various policies of the government to reduce the occurrence of domestic violence,
but the rate is still increasing from year to year. There are permissive attitudes in
the society especially among women. It is seen from the results of IDHS 2007,
when 30.8 percent of women stated their acceptance of wife beating for certain
This study uses Indonesian Demographic And Health Survey data
conducted in 2007. The purpose of this study was to statistically analyze factors
associated with attitudes towards wife beating among womens in West Sumatra,
South Sulawesi and Central Java. The data is processed with samples that meet
criteria based on the difference in cultural and kinship background: married and
ever married women in West Sumatra (n = 570), South Sulawesi (n = 1067), and
in Central Java (n = 5383) that represent the matrilineal, patrilineal and parental
kinship and culture. Chi-square (�²) and logistic regression tests was used to
analyze the data. The probability and correlation direction were observed from the
odds ratio (OR) with confidence intervals (CI) of 95 percent (p-value � 0.05).
The result of multivariable analysis shows that there are no variables
consistently associated with women's attitudes towards wife beating in this three
provinces. Respondents occupation is significantly associated with attitudes
toward wife beating only in West Sumatra, but there are no significant association
in South Sulawesi and Central Java. Age and marital status have a significant
association on women's attitudes towards wife beating in Central Java, while in
West Sumatra and South Sulawesi are not. Access to mass media and decisionmaking
has a significant association in opposite directions in South Sulawesi and
Central Java. Respondent�s residence, education level and women's contribution
on household expenditures have no association on women's attitudes towards wife
beating in the three provinces.
Patriarchal culture has an important role in influencing women's attitudes
towards wife beating. Culture that�s been constructed by the society and has been
going since a long time ago have shaped women�s attitudes related to
violence. Beliefs and values of the culture unconsciously, fundamentally, deeply
rooted, are learned and considered as a universal value that has been internalized
by women, wife beating behavior for some reason is not perceived as an abuse.