Summary: | Since the fall of the new order regime in 1998, a series of communal or
collective violence occurred in Indonesia with a variety of issues, ranging from
political issues, economic, religious, race, and so forth. One of the conflicts that have
attracted the attention is about the conflict of Ahmadiyah in Indonesia. This conflict
is manifested in the form of collective violence (both physical and non-physical) done
by local people and groups of Islamic organizations against citizens of Ahmadiyah
Indonesia (JAI), a group of Qadian Ahmadiyah sect. Collective violence spread
evenly throughout the areas that have a base of Ahmadiyah Qadian, including the
area of Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).
This study aimed to analyze the locality factors (internal) on Lombok which led
to collective violence continue to happen over and over since 1998 until 2006. So
from this research, we will get a comprehensive and profound understanding of the
underlying causes of why conflict of Ahmadiyah happened in Lombok-NTB.
This research was conducted using qualitative-exploratory method, through a
literature study (library research) and field studies (field research). Research library
was done by searching the relevant literature, while the field studies was done by
observation and interviews with JAI�s Leader in Lombok, Tuan Guru (ullama), and
academics who have studied the Ahmadiyah in Lombok.
It was found that the factors that cause reproduction of collective violence
toward Ahmadiyah people in Lombok is caused by: the social structure of the Sasak-
Lombok people which is difficult to accept the changes