Summary: | Background :In developing
Objectives :The aim of this research was to know the readiness hospital
pharmacy of Undata Palu toward teaching hospital.
Methods :The methode used in this study was observational with case
study research design.
Result :
Conclusion :The readniness hospital pharmacy of Undata Palu in
Keyword :Hospital pharmacy,
a functional hospital, the Undata Hospital will
be implement teaching hospital programm. Improved quality of services,
education and research in the teaching hospital, of course interrelated to
each other with the hospital institute. One of the institute is hospital
pharmacy. This research was conducted to determine the readiness of
hospital pharmacy of Undata toward a teaching hospital use indicators
organizations, human resources, pharmaceutical supplies management
function, the function of pharmacy services, facilities and equipment
hospital pharmacy.
Based on the modification of SK Menkes No.1197/X/2004 and APTFI
standars use accreditation survey in a hospital pharmacy was found that
the readiness of hospital pharmacy of Undata palu become teaching type
B in terms of service function with organization hospital pharmacy
indicators are still about 50%, human resource hospital pharmacy includes
leadership and staff about 90%, the function of approximately 63% of
pharmacy services, pharmaceutical supplies management function about
80%, and the facilities and equipment are still around 40% while the
function of education and research are still at minimum. Development and
programming of hospital pharmacy have been carried out and planned in
September 2011 all activities hospital pharmacy will be moved to a new
Undata Hospital as a teaching hospital.
Conclusion: The readniness hospital pharmacy of Undata Palu in terms
of service function is ready while the function of education and research
has not ready.