Summary: | Background: welding work is much needed in railway industry especially for train
reparation which experiencing physical damage due to accident or modifying a
component or parts of it. One of the works is welding. In the welding work, the
emitted ultraviolet radiation may be dangerous to the worker if not controlled
appropriately. In improvement efforts of occupational productivity and lowering
disease due to occupational factors, it should considered ergonomic principles at
workplace including controlling the radiation exposure.
Purpose: this study was purposed to determine difference among operators those
using APD (google/eye protection) and those not using APD ( google/eye protection)
for their visual acuity.
Study Method: this was an observational study by cross sectional design, which
involved 13 respondents. The teaching used in this sampling was non random
sampling by total sampling technique. Therefore, the sample in this study was entire
population totaled 13 respondent from electric welding operator at UPT Balai Yasa
Yogyakarta city. The data collection technique was conducted through checklist,
questionnaire, Snellen optotype and Joeger optotype.
Study Result: it was revealed a significance level of p=0,014. Since value p <0.05, it
was concluded there existed a meaning difference between operator those using APD
(goggle/eye protection) toward those not using the eye protection for their visual
Conclusion: the conclusion of this study was existed a significant difference between
operator those always using APD (google/eye protection) compared to those not
using APD (goggle/eye protection) for their visual acuity.