Summary: | Basically, Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (MUSRENBANG) is a
Bottom Up Planning, which comes from the society to fulfil their needs and wants.
Currently, the data of Musrenbang from various places in the Gorontalo District are
archived in each village, subdistrict and authoritative SKPD manually, so that losses
and damages are often occurred to the data of Musrenbang result from previous years.
Furthermore, it is very difficult to Bappeda who take the responsibility for the
planning activities in the area to meet the requests of data and information from the
legislative and executive bodies.
In this research, the researcher created and developed an application that is able
to perform transaction management for distributing data of Musrenbang result to the
subdistrict and authoritative SKPD based on the web service. The method of this
research consists of: interview, literature study related to the concept of web service,
analysis and development of transaction management procedures, implementation of
the design into programming language and DBMS, and testing of the implementation
The result of this research showed that the client application built for
Musrenbang system is able to perform the transaction management, to ensure the
consistency of data stored in every database. The web service application is able to
isolate transactions that run concurrently. The client application in Bappeda is able to
read data at the databases of every subdistrict and authoritative SKPD.