Summary: | This study is aimed to discover how big the effect of palm coconut
plantation toward labour absorption and the increase of local workers� income
using study case of PT. Archipelago Timur Abadi, more over this study is also
aimed to know if there is any difference between local workers� income compare
with minimum salary of Kalimantan Tengah province and Kabupaten Gunung
Mas income every five year. Data used in this study are primary data and
secondary data. Primary data was acquired directly from local workers who work
at palm coconut plantation, secondary data was acquired from company�s monthly
report, Badan Statistik Kabupaten Gunung Mas, Dinas Kesejahteraan Sosial,
Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Gunung Mas Bappeda Kabupaten
Gunung Mas, and Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Gunung Mas.
In this study, analysis instruments being used were Paired-Samples Test.
Besides that the descriptive analysis instrument to explain the difference of
workers� income toward province�s minimum salary and Kabupaten Gunung Mas
income every five years.
The result of this study is that there is effect of palm coconut plantation
toward labour absorption of PT.Archipelago Timur Abadi is 5 percent and a
difference on Kabupaten Gunung Mas local workers� income every month before
working at palm coconut plantation for Rp859.099 859.099 and after working on palm
coconut plantation for Rp1.455.552 1.455.552 or having Rp596.453 596.453 diference. Based on
average difference two assessment there is significant and real diference between
Kabupaten Gunung Mas local workers� income before and after working at
plantation ,which is showed by Z value of 5,42358 bigger than Z table of 1.96 1.96.
From this study we discover that Kabupaten Gunung Mas local workers� income
every month are 28,28 persen higher compared with minimum salary of
Kalimantan Tengah Province, and also 125,97 persen higher than Kabupaten
Gunung Mas income every five years.