Summary: | The presence of Act No. 14 of 2008 about The Openness of Public
Information is expected to give the public an opportunity to participate and control
the course of state enforcement and other public bodies as a whole. It was actually
became effective on May 1, 2010 though it has been enacted since two years ago,
exactly on April 30, 2008. period of two-years was used to prepare the central and
local governments and public bodies in their implementation both in terms of
personnel resources, and information and documentation system. Thus, this study
aims to determine the extent of public bodies readiness in implementing the openness
of public information seen from analyze of personnel resources factors, and
information and documentation systems readiness in Regional Secretariat of Kapuas
This research was using descriptive kind with qualitative methods in which
the primary data obtained through interview results and observations, then the
secondary data obtained from the documentation relating to the readiness by Regional
Secretariat of Kapuas Regency in implementing the openness of public information.
The overall results of this research showed that readiness of Regional
Secretariat�s personnel resources is not bad for the implementation of public
information openness. It can be seen from the support of competencies and apparatus
attitudes, although it still have the differentiation of knowledge and undesrtanding of
The Opennes of Public Information Act. The readiness of information and
documentation systems in Regional Secretariat of Kapuas Regency has been good. It
can be seen form the structure, facilities and tools of use in technology of
information and technology, and memorandum of understanding in publishig
information to public, but the procedure and regulation about standard operating
procedure is not still made. Therefore, the proposed recommendations from the
findings of this study are the need to enhance the quality of personnel resources
through education and training along with the provision of incentives to officers who
specifically provide information services, giving particular structure, make
regulations regarding the guidelines for implementation and to encourage official
commitment by bureaucrat leadership to developing and publishing a detailed plan of
action to facilitate the implementation of information openness to the public.