Summary: | Boundary region becomes a very important issue since the era of regional
autonomy took place in Indonesia, where the area to be encouraged to know
exactly how far the area of authority, especially that have the potential resources
that support local revenue autonomy in running. Border conflict refers to conflicts
between local governments in the same level in order to struggle for regional
boundaries. Border conflict between Cirebon Regency and Cirebon City has been
going on since 1988. Settlement efforts have been done with the involvement of
West Java Province and Interior Ministry, but of the 25 disputed boundary points
only 18 points the agreed limit. Dissolution of long-running border conflict
resolution is related to the existing political economy at seven border points that
are still disputed.
The problems studied are the origin of boundary conflict area and the
development of border areas of conflict resolution. In this research used
descriptive method with qualitative approaches and data analysis used is an
interactive model, through this technique will be described all of the facts or data
obtained by comparing with the existing theory so that it can provide qualitative
conclusions on the overall data and information obtained.
The result showed that the duration of the conflict resolution mechanisms
between the city of Cirebon and Cirebon regency caused by resource factors,
particularly the economic aspects of the seven points of the disputed border area
becomes a primary consideration for each region in the decision making/conflict
resolution policy boundary area. Basically origin/starting point region boundary
conflict was caused by differences in interpretation of the formation of the
city/regency, the law forming the city/regency is not listed the boundaries of the
area, the policy alignment of the river, the difference in base map reference, the
lack of coordination between regional, the absence of regeneration of good
leadership, and influence the development of Jakarta's progress. In the process,
conflict has become complicated due to several factors which influenced the form
factor of the interests of egocentric/ego regional high and interest for the electoral
district board member, policy factors such wrong interpretation of PP 35 of 1986
as a basic reference Cirebon City to expand its territory, and institutional factors
local government structure in the form of the intervention of Parliament to
bureaucratic officials in resolving the conflict area boundary.
Suggestion for the settlement of border conflict between City of Cirebon
and Cirebon Regency is to do a conciliation through mediation by the Province of
West Java and Interior Ministry, and continued with the negotiation/consultation
through inter-regional cooperation and to increase again support the political elite
based on the spirit of nationalism.