Summary: | This thesis discusses about dowry murder phenomenon as a contemporary
form of violence against women in India. By relating this phenomenon with the
opening up of the markets in India from the 1990s as a part of globalization process,
this writing is aimed at providing an explanation on how globalization process
prompting India�s openness to global market and global culture has affected the
increasing number of dowry murder cases .
Dowry murder is the climax of violence against women due to the insufficient
amount of dowry in the form of money as well as other goods given to the groom�s
family. Patriarchy culture interpreted from one of Hindu texts is considered as the
source of dowry tradition and as a justification for violence against women in India.
Consumerism emerging as one impact of globalization process becomes the
driving force of the changes in the nature of dowry. Dowry, now considered by the
groom�s family as a means to attain wealth leads to the commodification of
This thesis as a partial fulfillment to get Master degree from Graduate
Program in International Relations, Gadjah Mada University, is hopefully able to
serve as an introductory research for any related topics on issue of violence against
women and other issues related to peace study.