NEW MEDIA SEBAGAI MEDIA PENDIDIKAN POLITIK Studi Kasus tentang Faktor-faktor yang Mendorong Penggunaan Website Sebagai Media Pendidikan Politik Bagi Kader Perempuan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS)

For political parties, political education is one of the deliberate and systematized efforts of strengthening the bonds of political struggle to their mass, so they become aware of role and function as well as right and obligation as citizen in general and the members or simpatisants of party in par...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: , Rina Raflesia, S.Sos., , Prof. Nunung Prajarto, M.A., Ph.D.
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2011
Summary:For political parties, political education is one of the deliberate and systematized efforts of strengthening the bonds of political struggle to their mass, so they become aware of role and function as well as right and obligation as citizen in general and the members or simpatisants of party in particular. For Welfare and Justice Party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera�PKS), one of the political education media considered as the mosly effective, particularly toward the 2004 Election, is Internet, in this case website. Therefore, purpose of the study is to find out factors influencing the use of website as a political education media for the female cadre of PKS. The study was conducted by using a qualitative method. Data used in the study were secondary data obtained from official website of PKS displaying the role as a political education media for caddres or simpatisants. The data collected were analyzed by using a descriptive technique. Result of the study shows that PKS is one of the political parties actively using the new media, in this case website, as a political education media for its caddres. In greeting the obligation of meeting an issue on the 30% quota of female representation in legislature, both at central and local level, PKS more intensively used the media as a political education media, particularly for the female caddres of PKS. At a national level, the party always displayed many aspects of political education, in turn awaking the participation of female caddres in parlemen, so did at the level of Regional Leadership Council (Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah�DPW) Yogyakarta. However, there were three factors influencing the use of website as a political education media for the female cadres of PKS, including: (1) the female caddres of PKS are largely originated from youth with high education and familiar with the use of website as information media