Summary: | The objective of this research is to know implementation of inheritance
Dayak Ma�anyan in South Belitung Village, West Banjarmasin. Besides, it is also
to know whether they perform the fair share to their son and daughter, for the
heritage according to the Customary Law Enforcement of Inheritance in Dayak
Ma�anyan Community in South Belitung Village, West Banjarmasin.
This research used empirical jurisdisch approach the researcher involved
directly in the community to gain the primary data and also uses literary approach
to find out the secondary data. The data was collected through interview and
sample collection by purposive sampling. The subject of this research consists of
20 people: 6 of them are the devisors and the 14 are the heirs which consists of 7
male heirs and 7 female heirs. The community traditional leaders, Notary and
headman of South Belitung were also involved to validate the data. Results of the
research were analyzed using qualitative method.
Results of the research show that heritage properties were shared after the
devisors passed away. It is carried out by conducting a family forum to gain final
agreement. The devisors inherit their properties to their heirs. The heritage is
distinguished into origin properties, acquisition properties and gerabat properties.
The primary heir is the children. Widow or widower will actually not get the
heritage properties, if the family has children. There is a fair share to son and
daughter. However, this heritage properties shared among to son and daughter are
not always distributed with equal portion. Sometimes, distribution of heritage
properties based on considering the family agreement.