Summary: | One of the achievements of family planning programs can be seen from
the percentage of unmet need. The percentage of unmet need in Indonesia vary
widely among provinces. To overcome the problem of unmet nee, one of them is
to provide resources to family planning services. The purpose of this study is
investigating the influence of family planning services, provision of resources
toward unmet need, to find equitable distribution of manpower, infrastructure, and
financing of family planning services, knowing the effect of economic conditions
as seen from the GDP per capita and the percentage of poverty in a province on
the unmet needs in each provinces in Indonesia.
Research was conducted with the quantitative approach using secondary
data IDHS 2007, SUSENAS 2007, Podes 2008, GDP Report in 2007, reports data
base PLKB BKKBN, 2007, the family collection, 2007, DIPA BKKBN 2006,
report K/0/KB 2007. The focuses of this study are on providing family planning
services resources, including human resources, namely the ratio of midwives per
100,000 population and the ratio PLKB per 100 villages, infrastructure, namely
the ratio of family planning clinics per 10,000 EFA and the financing of family
planning and its relationship with unmet need . The unit of analysis is all
provinces throughout Indonesia.
The percentage of unmet need has a significant correlation with the ratio of
midwives per 100,000 population with a p of 0.04, the ratio PLKB per 100
villages and financing of family planning was not significantly associated with
percentage of unmet need, family planning clinics as of 10:00 ratio of EFA relates
significantly to the unmet need with p of 0.03. The percentage of unmet need has
a significant relationship with economic conditions. Based on the analysis
indicated a significant correlation between the percentage of unmet need of GDP
per capita, shown with a p of 0.02. The variable percentage of poverty has a
significant correlation with the percentage of poverty is indicated by p of 0.0002.
The availability of midwives and family planning clinics proved associated
with unmet need. Thusthe evsilsibility needs to be increased to overcome the
problem of unmet need. Unmet need in Indonesia is also influenced by economic
conditions. The better the economic condition of a province, the lower the
percentage of unmet need.