Summary: | The aim of this research were to know effect of either concentration of
mimba extract coating or mimba powder on nitrite oxidizier bacteria population
and total of N-leached in sandy soil at different length of incubation. Design of
experiment used was factorial, arranged in complete randomized design (CRD),
consisted of three factors there were concentration of mimba extract coating
(consentration levels are 10 %, 20 %, and 30%), and rate of mimba powder
composed with KPN fertilizer (dosis levels are 1.3 g equivalent with mimba
extract at 10%, dosis levels are 2.6 g equivalent with mimba extract at 20%, dosis
levels are 4.0 g equivalent with mimba extract at 30%), and length of incubation
(7,14,21, and 28 days ). The results showed that increasing of either mimba
extract coating concentration or rate of mimba powder decreased. Either nitrite
oxidizier bacteria population or total of N-leached. At equivalent level, effect of
mimba extract on the parameters was more significant compare to mimba
powder, increasing of incubation length decreased the parameters. The lowest
either nitrite oxidizier bacteria population or total of N-leached was resulted at
application of 30 % mimba extract at 14 days incubation.