Summary: | Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park located in Sumba Island, with an area
of 87,984 ha, has a relatively high diversity of birds that can be used as the
potential for birdwatching ecotourism development. Based on the research by
using MacKinnon Listing Species Method, in all birdwatching track in Padiratana
and Kambata Wundut, resulted 57 birds species that are divided in 32 families.
Through scoring analysis of bird attraction for tourism, based on scarcity
indicators, resulted 3 species of birds in very interesting category, there are Sumba
hornbill (Rhyticeros everetti) and Sumba cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea
citrinocristata), Sumba boobook (Ninox rudolfi), 21 species in attractive and 33
species in low atrractive category.
Determination of birdwatching track priority for ecotourism development
through Neu Index Analysis, resulted second track in Kambata Wundut as a first
priority, fourth track in Padiratana at second, first track in Sungai Bronjong
Padiratana at third priority and third track in Kanabuwulang at last priority.
Supported strengths such as the Sumba megalithic culture and easy
accessibility, through SWOT analysis recommended aggressive strategies of
birdwatching ecotourism development in Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park
there are set Padiratana and Kambata Wundut area as collaborative birdwatching
ecotourism model, community development, innovative birdwatching ecotourism
products and marketing and promotion improvement.