Summary: | n using Rhizopus oligosporus and promote better performance of the
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Experiments are conducted to evaluate nutritional value of Jatropha kernel
cake (JKC). In first experiment, the cake is fermented using Neurospora crassa,
Aspergillus niger or Rhizopus oligosporus and afterward are evaluated their
chemical compositions, fiber fractions and content of its phorbol ester, an anti
quality in JKC. The results showed that fermentation increased CP and decreased
fiber fractions. The phorbol ester content (mg/g) of the JKC is decreased from
6.53 to 0.37, 0.14 and 0.10 when fermented (JKCF) using Aspergillus niger,
Neurospora crassa, and Rhizopus, respectively. It is concluded that the Rhizopus
has been selected to be applied in the next experiment based on the results and the
ease of the requirements for growing it during fermentation. The second
experiment is conducted to measure in situ rumen degradation of the JKC. The
fermentation using Rhizopus oligosporus increased DTOM (%) from 55.78 to
61.06 when compared to the JKC, and increased OMD (%) from 28.13 to 45.55
when measured using two stages in vitro digestion. A study is also conducted in
this experiment, 15 rats are fed three diets of commercial feed (FC), 30% FC and
70% JKC, or 30% FC and 70% JKCF. Results indicated that all rats in JKC diet
were died in eight days. The third experiment is conducted to measure intake and
digestibility of diets containing JKCF in the concentrate of 15 sheep. The sheep
are offered elephant grass as basal diet and supplemented with concentrate
without (0%), 6% or 12% of JKFC. All three diets are met the requirements of the
sheep. The results showed that supplementation of JKFC increased intake of DM,
CP, and TDN, and also increased OMD. Average daily gains of the sheep are
significantly increased with supplementation of JKCF, being: 63.53, 76.80 and
96.38 g/head/day for 0, 6, and 12% of JKCF supplementation, respectively.
Supplementation of JKCF up to 12% did not alter normal physiological aspects of
the animals. The conclusion is that anti quality in the JKC is decreased by