Summary: | Virtual Private Network (VPN), is a network created to conduct transactions
encrypted data between two or more authorized network users. VPN network using
the Internet so that all the safety factor becomes very important. Some of the attacks
that may occur in the Internet network is a Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, sniffing,
spoofing, session hijacking, and many more.
Research on the analysis of network security Virtual Private Network (VPN)
is done in BMT Al Ikhlas Yogyakarta, which has a headquarters and several branch
offices and use VPN to conduct online transactions between branches. VPN software
used is based, namely Hamachi version type of free license. In addition, also
use PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) VPN Mikrotik as a backup if the
Hamachi VPN connection to crash. Research carried out by using the method of
sniffing (eavesdropping) on every packet that passes through the network, then view
and analyze the results. The instrument used was the Wireshark Network Protocol
Analyzer. The study was conducted on the network without a VPN, hamachi VPN
using IPSec technology (IPSecure) and Mikrotik VPN using PPTP technology.
The results showed that without a VPN network more vulnerable to security
attacks on the network, while for the more secure VPN network. This can be seen
from the results of testing the system using Wireshark on a network without a VPN
configurations and VPN networks. The results for the different VPN technologies,
namely IPSec and PPTP is also different. The constraints experienced during the
study is the absence of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for a network system
that is currently used, the documentation for network monitoring and allocation of
time for research in light of the crowded office operating hours. The
recommendations can be given, among others, is the use Mikrotik routers for more
maximized, replacement of some network equipment for network performance to be
better and the making of documentation for network monitoring that is done