Summary: | This research aims to explore the concept of emotional intelligence and
healthy personality on the Javanese perspective of Yogyakarta. This research
specially has the urgency in constructing the theory of emotional intelligence and
healthy personality through discovering the fundamental concepts of Javanese
culture which is as the development of Java indigenous psychology, and
practically it can help the expected demand of personality development by
indigenous Javanese.
The research was conducted by collaborating two methods of research.
Both are grounded theory method and test of internal and external concepts.
Grounded theory was taken by in-depth interviews, FGDs, and observations.
Triangulation of data is also used by proving the consistency of the concept as
well as internal and external concept testing of emotional intelligence and healthy
personality. The subjects were Javanese of Yogyakarta. 7 of them were
interviewed by in-depth interviews, 8 by FGD, 214 to prove the concept
consistency, and 280 subjects to test the internal and external validity of
emotional intelligence and healthy personality concepts.
The result of this research describes that the concept of emotional
intelligence in a Western context is a "psychological trait" or even skill (softskills)
that tends to be peripheral and neutral. Whreas, emotional intelligence in
the context of Javanese culture is defined as a way of life that is born from the
world-view of life, contains the value of ethical or moral imperatives, and has
been central. Therefore based on this particulat view, emotional intelligence is an
interpretation of waskitha ing nafsu namely the ability to manage the nafsu and
the rasa. The indicators of the ability to manage the nafsu and the rasa are narima
ing pandum, tata diri (self-regulation), niat and kehendak sajati (the true intention
and desire), empathy and social harmony.
Healthy personality in the context of Javanese culture is defined as a
mature, adult and perfect personality. It leads to the life values that underlie the
Javanese life which is neutral and peripheral but not central. It includes three main
characters, namely pribadi sepuh (elderly personal), pribadi wutuh, and pribadi
tangguh (powerful personal).