Yhteenveto: | Rest-break is one of important factors in scheduling of work hours. Restbreak
scheduling can be performed based on the time needed by the body to
recover from physical and mental fatigue. In scheduling of rest-break, the
productivity of workers must also be considered. In this study an assessment is
conducted on the workers productivity as a result of some work-rest schedules
that have been defined.
Experiments carried out on two tasks, computer task, i.e. word processing,
and assembling-disassembling task with Tamiya as an object. The computer task
is performed using Microsoft Office Word 2007 program on Windows XP
Professional operating system. The subjects participated on the experiment of this
study were 14 persons, consist of 7 males and 7 females. Productivity on the
computer work is determined based on the number of words typed correctly per
minute, whereas the productivity on assembly-disassembly task is determined
based on the number of cycles completed by the subjects. In this study, five workrest
schedules were investigated: 5 minutes break - 60 minutes work, 5 minutes
break - 120 minutes work, 15 minutes break - 60 minutes work, 15 minutes break -
120 minutes work, and 240 minutes of continuous work without rest. Statistical
analysis was performed using two-way analysis of variance and one-way analysis
of variance. Two-way analysis of variance was used to test the effect of rest
duration, rest intervals, and the interaction of both on the productivity. One-way
analysis of variance was used to test whether there were some differences in
worker productivity caused by the implementation of the fifth schedules.
The results of this study indicate that no significant impact of rest
duration, rest intervals, and the interaction of both on subjects productivity on the
word processing task using computer and assembling-disassembling task. The
results also showed that the implementation of the fifht schedules had no
significant impact on subjects productivity. Thus, it can be stated that the granting
of scheduled rest did not affect the workers productivity on computer task and
Tamiya assembling-disassembling task.