Summary: | Height amount death mother and child put Indonesia in top hoop region
South East Asia. Research that aliviate do amount grade death mother and child
that is ready infrastructure, in this case meternity clinic in the city. Reach out for
Milenium Development Goals (MDGs) in the 2015 year.
Data collection supporting this research that is consultation with head health
departement South Sulawesi with the result that best criteria-criteria in maternity
clinic. Criteria-criteria building in a stack of study literature, observation, and
interview. Futhermore criterias determine estimation comparison paired with AHP
for find weight prior with scale determine between 1 � 9, whereas for weight
informational and upper excepted value using TFN (Triangular Fuzzy Number).
Result for using fuzzy AHP non-additive in maternity clinic that indicate
criterias prevalensi, people, pain, functionary, and infrastructure criteria are the
main maternity clinic. Fuzzy AHP non-additive method in determine consistency
level is taken in stucture hirarchy and capable to accommodate the assessment
inconsistency in determine