Summary: | Cooperatives believed to be very appropriate to the culture and governance life
of the Indonesian nation, this is in accordance with 33rd Article UUD 1945 1st
paragraph, which confirms that the economy is prepared as a collaborative effort
based on the principle of kinship. The study was conducted to understand how the
role of Pondok Labu Cooperative Market in improving the welfare of members and in
supporting regional economic resilience. This study uses qualitative methods of
research that produces descriptive data in the form of words or verbal statements from
the people and their observable behaviors.
The study identified that Pondok Labu Cooperation Market have the economic
potential that can be empowered to improve the welfare of the community members.
This condition also backed by regulations and government policies which are deemed
sufficient in regulating governing cooperatives. However, until the research is done,
Pondok Labu Cooperative Market, does not optimally improve the welfare of its
members in order to support regional economic resilience. There are several factors
that influence the cooperative condition originating from either inside (internal) or
outside (external). The dominant influence of internal factors affecting the
performance of cooperation so that the cooperative is not maximal in the acquisition
of net income (well known in term of cooperation as Sisa Hasil Usaha / SHU).
Member participation in cooperative activities is not optimum and the lack of skill in
cooperative management