Summary: | Background
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a health problem in many parts of the world,
especially in Indonesia. Outbreaks happens in 12 provinces with a total of 12,224
cases and 218 deaths. Diagnostic and management of DHF are required exactly and
accuracy to avoid the severity of illness or death. However clinicians still make
misdiagnosis because DHF has similarities with the symptoms of some diseases
such as malaria, typhoid fever, leptospirosis, and other diseases. Number
discrepancy diagnosis by WHO (Word Health Organization) criteria approximately
31.1% of due to the lack of clinician�s ability in diagnosing. It is a need to develop a
prototype of clinical decision support system in diagnosing and management DHF
because CDSS (Clinical decision support systems) has been widely shown to
increase the exactly, precision, accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness in health care.
Aim of the study
Developing a prototype of clinical decision support system for DHF diagnosing and
managing that have good validity and reliability or good performance system.
This study use action research approach. Development of system with prototyping
methods and use rule-based system with the format of \"IF <symptoms> THEN
<diagnosis>\" in support of decision making.
Clinical decision support systems have been developed and tested by comparing the
output of clinician and the output system based on 2 kinds of guidelines (WHO 1997
and WHO 2009). The first test 46 quessionnary data from clinician, the correct result
22 (47,87%), X
=0,087, p=0,768 based on WHO 1997 Guideline and 26 (56,52%),
=0,783, p=0,376 based on WHO 2009 Guideline, the output system both
guideline are 100%. The second test, 108 cases, the correct result 77.78% (X2 =
2.5, p = 0.114) based on WHO 1997 Guideline and 78.79% (X2 = 0.831, p = 0.362)
based on WHO 2009 Guideline. The output system and diagnosis from clinician are
not significant difference and the system has higher performance than clinicians. The
system has good validity and reliability to support clinical decision making in
diagnosis and management of DHF.