Summary: | Background: The use of health facility as a place of birth is an important
issue to reduce maternal mortality. Women�s autonomy is estimated to be
influential to the use of health facility as a place of birth.
Objective: To find out the effect of women�s autonomy on the use of
health facility as a place of birth and to find out the factors affecting
women�s autonomy on the use of health facility as a place of birth.
Method: This was an analytical-observational study using a cohort
prospective design and a quantitative approach. The subjects were
pregnant women having examined their pregnancy to health facility in
Ende District. The sample was taken with proportional random sampling
as many as 242 women. The independent variable was women�s
autonomy and the independent variable was the use of health facility as a
place of birth. Data analysis comprised univariable analysis using
frequency and percentage distribution, bivariable analysis using chisquare
test and multivariable analysis using simple logistic regression with
Stata Program Version 11.0.
Result: The bivariable analysis showed that there was no significant
correlation between women�s autonomy and the use of health facility as a
place of birth with RR 1,0 (95%CI 0.93-1.14) and p-value >0.05 (0.5). The
extraneous variable having a significant correlation with the use of health
facility as a place of birth was women�s occupation shown with RR 1.1 and
p-value <0.05 (0.03). External variables associated with maternal age of
women's autonomy is indicated with RR 2.2 (95% CI 1.22-3.96) and pvalues
<0.05 (0.001), higher maternal education indicated with RR 1, 8
(95% CI 1.30-2.53) and p-values <0.05 (0.002)