Summary: | Act No. 3/1997 known as The Juvenile Court, had a retributive justice model
approach which is not guarantee in protection and rehabilitation for the juvenile
delinquency. Giving an imprisonment punishment (penal system) became a dominant
colour in this model. In contrary, law concept has other approach, known as
Restorative Justice model. This alternative system is promoting an educative
punishment rather than sending chidren to the jail. The main purposed is protecting the
basic rights of children as juvenile delinquency. As a legal concept, Restorative Justice
model is not literally and textually wrote in The Juvenile Court Law yet. Therefore,
need to be observed, the influence and implementation of this concept in crime case,
reflected or not reflected in the Court Decission for juvenile case under the Act No.
3/1997 and how to develope the restorative justice concept in Indonesia.
The object of This research is the Special Judge for the juvenile deliquency and
Nine Court decission of juvenile delinquency case at Yogyakarta District Court during
2010. The Methodology to use samples in this research is random sampling methode.
This research also observe draft of The juvenile criminal court act as an amandement
current law to revised Act No.3/1997. Based on data, the draft concept was adopted
from the principles of The UN Declaration of the Childrens Rights Number : 1386 date
20th November 1959 and The UN Declaration of The Standard Minimum Rules for the
Administration of Juvenile Justice Number : 40/33 date 20th November 1985, or as
known as The Beijing Rules which is Indonesian Government had ratificated under
The President Decission Number : 36/1990.
This research revealed a surprising facts. Base on the main data, all of the suspicion
in Juvinele deliquency case, had been sentenced for the imprison punishment and no
one of them was sentence to rehabilitation punishment. It means that restorative justice
is not reflected in the decission of juvenile delinquency case at Yogyakarta District
Court during 2010. Meanwhile, The draft of amandement of the juvenile court law is
containt of the rule of how to mainstraiming a protection and rehabilitation model. This
draft also equiped with a diversion rule in every steps of process in criminal justice
system. From investigation level by police investigator, then to prosecution level by
public prosecutor, and finally in the level of court proceeding as the implementation of
restorative justice.