Summary: | KUBE empowerment programs through mechanisms help poor people Social
Empowerment is a program of the National Policy Ministry of Social Affairs in order to
evaluate the relief which has for years implemented through partners. Live Help Social
Empowerment is a mechanism of social assistance or stimulant fund productive
economic efforts to social welfare problems or poor families are channeled directly to the
KUBE has been established by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Poor People
Empowerment Program through a Joint Business Group (KUBE) with Productive
Economic Enterprises (UEP) is designed in accordance with the potential of poor
communities to improve the welfare of the poor to advance economically and socially.
One of the locations that receive assistance programs of empowerment through the
mechanism of Direct Social Empowerment is in the Sendangsari,Village Minggir
District, Sleman Regency. Therefore, the study wanted to evaluate on KUBE
empowering the poor through mechanisms of Direct Social Empowerment. This type of
research is a descriptive qualitative evaluative approach. The method is a post-program
evaluation is an evaluation conducted after the program is completed. Sources of data in
this study is the statement and the board members determined purposive KUBE sampling
and secondary data is data about the Live Help Social Empowerment and profile
locations, informants and KUBE. Data collection techniques used were interviews,
observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques implemented by way of
reduction, data display and verification and conclusion. The results showed the process
of implementation of the empowerment of poor through mechanisms KUBE poor live
Help Social Empowerment in the Sendangsari Village, Minggir District, Sleman
Regency have not run in accordance with the guidelines that have been determined.
Although the stages in the process of empowerment which consists of pre empowerment,
preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and out come of empowerment
have been conducted but the results can�t be perceived by members of KUBE.
Assistance for business development KUBE is positioned as a long-term savings and
improve the social status that will be to provide for education and other needs. In
conclusion, the empowerment of the poor through mechanisms KUBE Help Social
Empowerment is a strategy used by the government in implementing empowerment of
poor families. This strategy shaped the flow of cash and capital assistance directly to the
KUBE who manages the business economically productive group. There was no increase
of in come, even the work done did not experience a significant development. Level of
welfare of members has not changed but with the help of capital that has received an
increase in assets even though very minimal. The results suggest that empowerment
KUBE help the poor people through Social Empowerment should the need for assistance
on an ongoing basis and during the implementation process needs to intensified in
monitoring and evaluated regularly and periodically until the post-empowerment.