Sumario: | Inaccurate administration of antibiotics in surgical cases will increase
bacterial resistance, hypersensitivity reactions, superinfection and extend the
maintenance period (Setiawan, 2003). This study aims to evaluate the use of
antibiotics pre operative and post operative surgery on the ward Ward District
General Hospital Ulin Banjarmasin.
Treatment Guidel
This research is a non-experimental research design with descriptive
evaluative data prospectively through a search of medical records of inpatients
Hospital Ulin Banjarmasin period September - November 2006. Issues to be
evaluated is the suitability of antibiotic selection both pre and post operative with
the Standards of Medical Care Surgery and ines From The
Medical Letter, (2009) as well as Antibiotics Prophylaxis in Surgery (SIGN,
2009), the appropriateness of dosage, method and duration of the Drug
Information Handbook (2011-2012) as well as the effectiveness of the use of
Treatment Guidelines
From The Medical Letter, (2009)
Characteristics of 95 patients (75 men, 20 women), aged 16-60 years most
(49 people), dirty operation (59 people), elective operation (67 people), the
operation is less than 1 hour (74 people). Pre and post operative antibiotics are
widely used Cefotaxim 1 g (32 and 25 cases). Compliance with the Standards of
Medical Care in the pre operative 65 cases (68.24%) and post-operative in 63
cases (66.31%), while the dosage, method and duration of in accordance with the
Drug Information Handbook (2011-2012) on 54 cases of pre-operative (56.84%)
and post-operative in 46 cases (48.42%). Conformity with
as well as antibiotics Prophylaxis in Surgery
(SIGN, 1999) in pre operative 58 cases (61.05%) and post-operative 59 cases
(62.11%), while the dose, how and duration of which in accordance with the Drug
Information Handbook (2011-2012) on the pre operative 48 cases (50.53%) and
on post-operative 42 cases (44.21%). The effectiveness of pre-operative use of
antibiotics is better in an inappropriate or Treatment Guidelines From The
Medical Letter, (2009) as well as Antibiotics Prophylaxis in Surgery (SIGN,
2009) with only 7 cases of infection patients (7.39%).
Treatment Guidelines From The Medical Letter, (2009)
Compliance is higher with the use of Standards of Medical Care in the
as well as Antibiotics
Prophylaxis in Surgery (SIGN, 2009) both at the pre operative and post operative,
incidence of infection is still high (38 persons) and died 2 people.