Summary: | Floodings are common problems that occur in most parts of Indonesia,
especially in urban areas. Jampue river is one of rivers in Barru regency that flow
across the central of regency. Floods that occur every year causing damage of
houses, public facilities, rice field, even cause fatalities. Flood that occurred on
January 5, 2010 is an interesting case for research to find the flood control
The research simulate flood control alternatives, examine flood control
alternatives and analyze the election of the most optimal of flood control
alternatives. The research uses hydrology and hydraulic approach by performing
the application of Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-
RAS) Version 4.0 and application of Decision Support System with Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP) model to determine the sequence of flood control
alternatives. Assessment of alternative combines the relative valuation of all
respondents to the social criteria, economic criteria and environmental criteria
with absolute assessment of the physical criteria of flood control alternatives of
Jampue River.
The results shows that the best alternative is normalization/NS with a
value of (0,258), the combination of normalization and leeves/NSTS is second
rank with a value of (0,224). The third rank is leeves/TS with a value of (0,205)
and the retention ponds/KR with a value of (0,113) is the fourth rank. The fifth
rank is combination of normalization and retention ponds/NSKR with a value of
(0,106) and the last one is combination of leeves and retention ponds/TSKR with a
value of (0,094).