Summary: | Generally, the problems in leachate treatment is the large operational load
of the treatment which consumes high operational costs. To reduce the
operastional costs, the treatment period was limited, so that the results of the
treatment effluent does not fulfill the quality standards. Sending this effluent
directly to the environment, will cause environmental degradation. Thus, better
waste treatment methods that are efficient, inexpensive, and easy to operate with
optimal hydraulic retention time (HRT) is needed. The objective of this research
was to study the treatment model of submerged biofilter with a combination of
anaerobic process, and aerobic-anaerobic using gravel packing. The effect of
HRT, porosity and packing height to the quality of effluent was observed
experimentally. It is expected that the effluent of leachate treatment can fulfill the
quality standards and can be used as raw material for organic liquid fertilizer
In the present work, landfill leachate from Wonosobo regency, and gravel
from the river in the Selomerto village of Wonosobo regency were used. The
HRT�s were varied of 12, 24, and 36 hours, the porosity variations were 0.32 and
0.15, and the heght of media were varied to 300 mm and 500 mm. The BOD5 and
COD of the effluent were analyzed and testing also the effluent to the plant.
The results showed that the variations in HRT, porosity , and packing height
affect the concentration reduction of BOD5 and COD in the effluent. The results
also indicated that treatment by 24 hours of HRT, porosity of 0.32