Summary: | ration JOB Pertamina-PetroChina Tuban East Java in explo petroleum and natural gases. Processing waste technic B3 kind with bioremediation generally using microorganism as bioremediator agent. One of this technic application is to recover environment caused petroleum pollution of petroleum drilling resulted oil sludge. The research done in field scales with comparative descriptive analysis methode, using bioremediation technology land farming.
Bioremediation did admixed oil sludge and soil to reduce water content in mud. Beside of it, compost also admixed to mend soil porosity, end-product functioned as bulking agent and nutrient sources for microorganism melakukan degradation. Research object is oil sludge taken from drill Sukowati#4, Sukowati #6, Sukowati # 7 JOB Pertamina � PetroChina Tuban, East Java.
eous in oil sludge. The research aim Microorganismes degradator hydrocarbon are indigen to studied (mengkaji) indigenneous effectivity of the three drilling, to know the cause of degradation Sukowati #4 drill faster than Sukowati#6 and Sukowati#7 and also bioremediation utility for people. Influenced factors microorganism performances in reducing degradation petroleuma are end-product, compost, and organic fertilizer. From technology application bioremediation made shows that process performances quiet optimal. One of the indication can be seen from the time neeeded to reached condition setted by institution setting, according to Minister Environment Decision No. 128/ 2003.
The research did toward capabality concorcium indigeneus bacteria given affodable
treatment suit as phycical environment condition in field. Treatment for the three drills
(Sukowati#4, Sukowati#6, Sukowati#7) are the same. The ingredient use which are OBM ( Oil Based Mud) added to soil oil contaminated, two kind nutrients (organic nutrient: goat manures, and anorganic nutrients : TSP), using soil proceed end-product bioremediation. For soil treatment variable 3:1, observation during 20 weeks shows bioremediation capable degradating Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH). Immediate environment can use bioremediation proceed product as �tanah urug� or as concrete blocks materials. The more time we give then TPH degradation getting better, it marked by getting smaller TPH concentration in the end of process.