Summary: | This study aims to estimate the WTP values of society to the use of
organic fertilizers, to analyze the characteristics of the people who exploit and use
organic fertilizer subsidy, to analyze the factors that influence the willingness of
the community in paying / buying subsidized organic fertilizers for agricultural
land. The data used are household farmers who serve as the sample, where
farmers are used as samples in this study are at the research sites in Bantul district
and Yogyakarta City. The selection of two research sites was based on the pre
survey conducted earlier research, which covers four areas in Yogyakarta Special
Region which includes Bantul Regency, Regency Wates, Kulon Progo regency
and municipality of Yogyakarta.
This study analyzed data obtained qualitatively and quantitatively. The
quantitative data obtained was used to determine the WTP model subsidized
public using organic fertilizer using logit models with Microsoft Excel and
Eviews 4.0. While the qualitative data processed descriptively used to determine
the general condition of the public using subsidized organic fertilizers in the
district of Bantul and Yogyakarta. The methods used to obtain qualitative and
quantitative data is by interview and questionnaire presentation.
Judging from the willingness to pay organic fertilizer Respondents in
Bantul district nearly 47.57 percent was able to buy organic fertilizer according to
the HET while only 21.67 percent of Yogyakarta City are able to buy organic
fertilizer according to HET. While willingness to pay was good organic fertilizer
respondents in Bantul district and Yogyakarta City are willing to pay for organic
fertilizer with a price of Rp 700, -/kg. For the city of Yogyakarta approximately
66.67% of the 60 respondents were willing to pay for organic fertilizer with a
price of Rp 700, - while the Bantul district of about 46.60 already able to afford
organic fertilizer appropriately priced HET.
Determinants of willingness to pay farmers to subsidized organic
fertilizers proved not to be influenced by farmers' income, agricultural land
owned, education ever undertaken by the farmer, age, number of workers who
participate in farming families, the benefits of organic fertilizer, the number of
livestock owned, agricultural areas, spesific price of fertilizer with the highest
retail price, type of farmers (as owners or as workers), knowledge of organic
fertilizer, and the existence of stalls selling organic fertilizer. While the factors
that proved significant direct effect on willingness to pay farmers to subsidized
organic fertilizers that farmers' education level, age, number of workers who
participate in farming families, the highest retail price, and the existence of the