Summary: | Pluralitas and multiculturalism represent realita becoming big challenge to be
faced of life, the reality can become big potency because adding treasure and
properties of life, but also can become big problem if between elements of life in
and pluralitas and multiculturalism placing forward each other ego and
willingness to mastering each other. Therefore, needed a education construction
concerning pluralitas and multiculturalism. Multicultural education in educational
system in Indonesia become a compulsion in order educative participant have
sensitivity in face of social problems and symptoms which take root at difference
of ethnic group, religion, race, ethnic, social status, gender and arrange value that
happened at its society environment. Multicultural education have to immediately
defined and executed from now on. Research problem is: how education
multicultural process at senior high schools in Yogyakarta? How student respon
toward multicultural education?
In this research, selected qualitative-quantitative research method. Research
location is in SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMA 1 Bopkri Yogyakarta, dan SMA
Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta. Reason of location choice of research because the
schools assumed to deputize and depict: variety education picture in Yogyakarta,
potency of pluralitas and multiculturalitas education society in Yogyakarta and
existence of social-society groups pursuant on ethnic group, religion, race, ethnic,
social status, gender and value order in Yogyakarta.
Result of this research is: there is no multicultural education practice in three
school accurate school. Multicultural education practice not be executed for no
special curriculum or order which oblige multicultural education practice.
However that happened is multiculturalism practice, where multiculturalism
practice happened naturally because each of conscious of others with tribe
background, religion, ethnical, culture and arrange different value.
Multiculturalism practice that happened study of multicultural which learn and
social interaction and assocciation of multicultural student in school environment.
Through study of teacher multikultural can give congeniality and understanding of
reality of multikultural in Indonesian nation and society, teacher also have
knowledge, correct attitude and experience in executing study of multicultural.
At student, result of multicultural learn seen from multicultural consciousness
had by student and also ability for have interaction and to build multicultural
assocciation. Multiculturalism awareness is knowledge and understanding of
student to condition of Indonesian nation and society which multiculture. The
awareness in ability of student for have interaction and to build multicultural
assocciation and also in human problems attitude, where student can place where
is student can put their self and ready to help its yous without reference to
different background.