Summary: | Background: Breastfeeding promotion is an important key in the strategy
of child life expectancy. Early breastfeeding initiation can minimize infant
mortality as much as 22% until it reaches the age of 28 days.
Breastfeeding promotion at Al Hasanah Maternity Hospital at Madiun
Municipality is implemented since the mother has had a contact with
antenatal service. Approximately 20% of postpartum mothers give formula
milk to their babies one hour after birth.
Objective: To improve postpartum early initiation performance through
breastfeeding promotion at Al Hasanah Maternity Hospital of Madiun
Method: The study was observational with cohort study design and
quantitative approach using secondary data of cohort registry of mothers
at Al Hasanah Maternity Hospital, Madiun Municipality 2007-2008. Subject
of the study were all mothers having normal birth at Al Hasanah Maternity
Hospital. Samples were taken accidentally. Sample size consisted of 86
respondents taken using software of PASS 2008. Data analysis used
univariate, bivariate, and multivariate technique with chi square and
logistic regression statistical test.
Result: There was statistically significant association between
breastfeeding promotion and performance of early breastfeeding initiation
with score of p<0.05 and RR 1.76 (95% CI=1.14-2.24). With the control of
variable of childbirth assistant there was a change of R
from 0.7 to 0.16,
meaning that breastfeeding promotion could predict performance of early
breastfeeding initiation as much as 16%. With the control of variable of
health staff there was statistically significant association with score of
RR=2.11 (95% CI:0.09-4.47), meaning that mothers that got breastfeeding
promotion would give early breastfeeding initiation 2.11 times greater
when the process of labour was assisted by health staff. Meanwhile there
was a change of R
as much as 0.15. This indicated that mothers that got
breastfeeding promotion and were assisted by health staff during labour
would have early breastfeeding initiation as much as 15%.
Conclusion: Good performance of early breastfeeding initiation at Al
Hasanah Maternity Hospital Madiun Municipality reached 58.1%. There
was significant association between breastfeeding promotion and
performance of early breastfeeding initiation.