Summary: | The objectives of this research were to describe the growth of rice paddy
that covers the growth of shoots and roots of the plant. The paddy plants were
cultivated under the SRI method and the conventional one. The growth of the
plant were significantly affected by the effectivity of the growth that involved
surrounding factors.
This experimental research was held in the rice-field under the irrigation
treatments and the fertilizer applications. Fertilizers were applied in six variations
i.e., 100% organic fertilizer (plot A), a combination of 75% organic and 25%
inorganic fertilizers (plot B), a combination of 50% organic and 50% inorganic
fertilizers (plot C), a combination of 25% organic and 75% inorganic fertilizers
(plot D), 100% inorganic fertilizer (plot E), and 100% inorganic fertilizer in the
ammount of local farmers usually use in conventional method (plot F). Whereas
the use of irrigation techniques involved flooding method and intermitten method.
The analysis results that logistic model can be used whether in SRI method
or the conventional one. The result is shown by the R
that is attained the value of
more than 75% and the statistical analysis that proves no significant differences
between the predicted values and the observed one.
The result shows that paddy with SRI treatment has higher rate of growth
and development than paddy treated by conventional method. This higher rate of
growth and development of SRI paddy is affected by its higher effectivity in
growth and development. The highest effectivity of growth and development
using SRI method is obtained from the plot with a combination of 50% organic
and 50% inorganic matters. This plot contained of adequate nutrients that
supported the growth of the plant and the use of the saturated irrigation on this
plot also supported the growth of the plant for intermitten irrigation can absorb the
nutrients more effective than the flooded one.