Summary: | The ability of government employees to use ICT, or ICT Literacy, is one important factor that supports the successful implementation of e-government. However, e-government policies implementation are often not supported by the data of the ICT Literacy level of the employees. Therefore, a method to measure ICT Literacy level should be proposed as an option that can be used by the government agencies. PISA OECD ICT Literacy Assessment Framework is a model that can be used by the government agencies to measure the ICT Literacy level of their employees.
The ICT Literacy level of the archive human resources of the Government of Yogyakarta City is an interesting object to be measured. Archive is a matter that must be held by the government. But the field of archives is often underestimated. Employees placed in this field are often �second-class employees�. On the other hand, the Government of Yogyakarta City issued a regulation requiring the archive human resources to interact with ICT. Question that arises then is, what extent the archive human resources� readiness to interact with ICT? That question can be answered if their ICT Literacy level is known.
ICT Literacy level measurement conducted in 76 employees of the archive human resources of the Government of Yogyakarta City. The measurement results in the ICT Literacy level of archive human resources of the Government of Yogyakarta City stood at 56.06 in the scale of 100. It could be stated that the level is not too satisfying. These measurements also found the factors that significantly affecting the ICT Literacy level of archive human resources of the Government of Yogyakarta City are the graduation year (fresh graduate is better), computer familiarity, and computer attitude.