Summary: | Background: Learning achievement in the form of Grade Point Average
(GPA) is the student�s capability which is obtained through learning process.
According to the evaluation conducted by Academic Division of Dental Health
Department of Padang Health Polytechnics of Ministry of Health, Cumulative
Grade Point Average (CGPA) of the students decrease every year, especially
those 1
semester students in the academic year of 2010/2011. This research was
aimed to identify factors that correlated with learning process on the learning
achievement of Dental Health Department Students of Padang Health
Polytechnics of Ministry of Health.
Research Method: A case-study research with cross-sectional approach
was done to total 56 of 1
semester students who had High School education
background. Independent variables, namely health, interest to dental health
profession, motivation, learning method, family support and environment, were
measured by using written questioner. While the Original Evaluation Score
(NEM) was measured using graduation result of High School. Dependent
Variable of learning achievement was measured using first semester examination
result (Grade Point Average/GPA). Data were analyzed using multiple regression
with 5% significansi..
Research Results: The result of multiple regression analysis revealed that
independent variables of health and learning method were correlated significantly
to the students� learning achievement, while variables of NEM, interest,
motivation, family support and environment did not show any significant
influence. Variables of health and learning method gave contribution of 49.0%
=0.490) to the students� learning achievement. Students� health gave the
biggest contribution of 27.3% (Partial Eta Square = 0.273) to the students�
learning achievement.
Conclusion: 1) Health variable has the biggest contribution to the
students� learning achievement. 2) The better the students� health and learning
method are, the higher the students� learning achievement is. 3) NEM, interest,
motivation, family support and environment evidently do not have significant
influence on the students� learning achievement.