Summary: | Malaria is a major health problem in some endemic areas in Sumbawa
regency. RSUD Sumbawa is a referral hospital for patients with malaria who
came from various regions around Sumbawa. Depkes has published the Standard
Treatment of Malaria which can be used as a reference treatment of malaria in
health centers or hospitals in Indonesia. Sumbawa hospitals need to make
observations if the drug is administered in accordance with the standards and then
general treatment of malaria has not been conducted regular evaluation.
To determine the treatment response of malaria patients, to assess the
suitability of the Depkes Malaria Standard Treatment with treatment carried out in
RSUD Sumbawa, and find out what factors are influencing the success / failure of
antimalarial medication therapy.
Observational study conducted by descriptive evaluative study design
through data prospectively tracking of medical records and follow up the
development of malaria patients to day 28.
Observational study conducted by descriptive evaluative study design
through data prospectively tracking of medical records and follow up the
development of malaria patients to day 28.
The treatment of response 60 patients have been in accordance with
Depkes standards. A total of 50 patients treated with vivax malaria (chloroquine +
primaquine) produces ACPR response 47 patients (94%), ETF 1 patient (3.33%)
and LPF 2 patients (4%). There is one vivax malaria patients treated with quinine
+ primaquine produces ACPR response. Patients with falciparum malaria there
are 7 people. There were 5 patients treated with falciparum malaria (sulfadoxinepyrimethamine)
+ primaquine produce clinical responses ACPR 4 patients (80%),
LPF 1 patient (20%). There were two patients with falciparum malaria treated
with quinine + primaquine produce ACPR response. There are 2 mixed malaria
treated with ACT (artesunate + amodiakuin) + primaquine produce clinical
responses ACPR.
The use of antimalarials in hospitals Sumbawa period January-Maret 2011
according to the standard of the Depkes. Evaluation of treatment response to
chloroquine, quinine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, arsuamoon (artesunateamodiakuin)
primaquine combination produces ACPR: 93.33%, LPF: 5%, and
ETF: 1.67%.