要約: | Blang Padang Land is not land with an area certificated 89.802 M ²,
located in the Village district Gampong Baroe Baiturrahman Aceh Province of
Banda Aceh. On land there are public facilities that are often used by people of
Aceh. Blang Padang land conflicts began to emerge after the mutual claims
between the two institutions namely Command Military C.q. Iskandar Muda
Military and the Government of Aceh on the rights of authority right. Each side
claims to land ownership based on the evidence they have. The conflict occurred
in a long time and there is no solution until now.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the efforts to resolve conflicts
over land (interesting case study of authority rights Blang Padang city of Banda
Aceh, Aceh Province) in the early to see the birth of the roots of conflict, what is
being done and then analyze the cause of the failure of efforts.
This descriptive study using qualitative case study approach. Research
sites in the city of Banda Aceh, Aceh Province. Source data used are primary data
and secondary data. Primary data in the form of interviews with several
informants, observation and documentation. While sekunder data archives and
documents related to the problem to be investigated.
The results of the analysis in this study revealed that the cause of this
conflict is the administration of land disturbance, land management, wasteland
and completeness of data about the message / history of the land. The conflict
occurred between the two main actors Command Military C.q. Iskandar Muda
Military and the Government of Aceh. Increased conflict began in 2003 because
of mutual claims of each actor. Then continue in 2006 marked the installation of
the signpost of land ownership by the TNI. Subsequently in 2009, the Government
of Aceh Blang Padang land register to the Land Office in Banda Aceh to obtain
land use rights certificates. Manifestation of this conflict is the installation of the
signpost of ownership in 2006 by the military, because there are issues to be built
mall (shopping center) on the ground. To these problems has made some efforts to
completion, the process of implementation of the perpetrators of conflict
mediation initiatives and meeting the case title (comprehensive mediation). This
deadlock because each party is inconsistent. In addition to BPN obscurity as an
intermediary in dealing with land conflicts Blang Padang.