Summary: | The research is entitled Cultural Values on Pappaseng Puang Ri
Maggalatung. Problems of research are related to cultural values that are refer to
the concept of universal cultural elements and function. These problems, are
conceptualized, with the following questions, (1) what are the cultural values in
Pappaseng of Puang Ri Maggalatung, (2) what are the functions of the cultural
The research, theoretically, is aimed at giving a contribution to the study
of cultural heritage, cultural values and functions as they are of Pappaseng
Puang Ri Maggalatung. Practically, the research is also aimed at, (1) giving
initially an understanding to the reader that Pappaseng of Puang Ri Maggalatung
can increase such appreciation and devotion toward Buginese Lontarak. With the
result of that, its content can be known, readable, and studied. Moreover, it cannot
only be interested by Buginese society, but also by other ethnic groups, (2)
producing a scientific study that can be used by reader and other researcher. This
research is particularly using the approach, of cultural values and their function in
society. Moreover, the research also is using a library method by means referring
to ethic unit method, and it also refers dependently from miteme and criteme
The result of research shows that, first,cultural values inherent in
Pappaseng of Puang Ri Maggalatung are: (1) cultural values of system of belief,
that include honesty, cleverness, and surrendered to God, (2) cultural values as
lied in the kinship system, such as wise, unity, and obedience, (3) cultural values
as lied in economic system such as, honesty, and cooperation, (4) cultural values
as lied in education system such as, prohibition to do zina, should not behave
arbitrarily, but scholarly, and wisdom, (5) cultural values in communication
system, such as gotong royong (mutual aid), musyawarah (discussion), not
insulting each other, and honesty, (6) cultural values in political system, such as
leadership and introspective. second, the function of cultural values are (1) as a
general guide for judgments, (2) as a general guide to interpret, understand, and
explain, (3) as a general guide for attitude and act, (4) as a general reference for
norms and rules.