Summary: | Forest damage issue at North Halmahera arose for reasons such as: Forest
Management Authority concession approval operation and Shifting Cultivation
system. One of the solutions to overcome those issues is implementing society
forest management. This research aimed to: 1) identify issues impacting toward
society forest management at North Halmahera from various area development
subsystems, 2) formulate society forest management goal based on identified
issue, 3) formulate social forestry strategy in society forest management based on
drafted issues and goals.
This research used survey and descriptive basic method. Research was
undertaken at Talaga Paca village for: 1) as an area suggested obtaining
concession approval for society forest management of 500 hectare land, 2) has the
exact same condition to other villages thus considered as representative. Data
gathered is subsystem data of society social-economical, agriculture, forestry and
government policy in society forest management. Data obtained then descriptively
analyzed to identify various issues affected in society forest management at North
Halmahera District from various area development subsystems.
Research result showed that issues caused forest damage at Talaga Paca
village was 17.501,8 kg/year farmer food (rice) needs deficit, revenue deficit
when converted into rice value categorized as poor (305 kg), firewood deficit
originated from farming land, low farming land productivity, farming had not
meet firewood and craft needs, firewood deprivation, wood theft, sifhting
cultivation activity, and there is no government policy regarding society forest
management form particularly using social forestry system. Society forest
management carried out is: forest engineering through FEM that is by
Management Regime III toward production forest also Management Regime IV
toward conservation forest and social manipulation through society empowering
and institutions forming.